
28 October 2014

One for oily hair

One for oily hair
jumping juniper ;
During my annual tradition of a Lush trip as soon as the Christmas and Halloween collections are out, I thought it was time to invest in a new natural and organic shampoo and since I'm such a fan of Lush and their products and love to try out new things from their line, I thought instead of giving Jason And The Argan Oil another go, I'd try a new shampoo bar, and I couldn't be happier of the choise, which was totally random if you ask since there was no description near the product, no price, and the Lush girls were too busy that day...

Jumping Juniper turned out to be such a good pick. As you probably already know from my previous hair updates, I have oily hair and scalp and am always on the hunt for an astrictive shampoo that can help at keeping the oiliness at bay while giving my hair a nice texture and a healthy look. Also I've totally been into natural and organic products for my hair for a year now, and it's strange I only tried one Lush shampoo bar before and not all of them! Jumping Juniper ticks all the boxes, featuring juniper berries and antibacterical rosemary to tone the scalp and slow down the sebum production, lime and lemon oils to purify and give shine, and lavender to relax and soothe. I'm such a fan of the scent, so full of hues, fruity, citrus and yet floral and relaxing.

If you aren't familiar with Lush shampoo bars, to use them you need to wet them and then rub them into your wet hair to allow them to create a good foam. And believe it or not, most of them release a lot of foam which is what I like. Jumping Juniper leaves my hair feeling so clean, super soft, shiny and healthy. When you have oily hair, there's no better feeling of having lightweight and flowy locks, which I partially achieved with chopping my hair recently, but this shampoo totally and visibly helps in giving life, texture, volume and softness to my hair! Not to mention it will last a lot, around 80 washes! I can't really suggest it enough to any oily hair girl/boy/lady/gentleman out there, especially who is into natural and organic hair care - this is one of the best deep clean organic shampoo I've ever tried so far!

What's your favourite Lush shampoo?

One for oily hair
One for oily hair
One for oily hair

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