It's been a long while since we had our last catch up so it's about time to share what's going on in our lifes now that Christmas is behind the corner. I'll go first!
This year, Christmas got me hooked: I started being excited about it around mid-November and at that time I was thinking I would have been sick about the Christmas spirit by the time the Holidays actually began, but I'm actually still very enthusiastic about the festive period, all the baking, decorating, wrapping and shopping! I'm practically done with Christmas shopping, which's never happened to me before (I used to be the one that had still to buy gifts the 23rd of December) with the only exception of one special present that still has to be bought - but it will happen pretty soon. I've planned a day of huge festive baking session to put together a few Christmas biscuits sachets to give to each member of the family, and I'm spending these last few days testing out new recipes once or twice for any just to prevent any fail (you know, just in case..!).
Where I'll be spending Christmas day is not certain yet and it's seriously stressing me out a lot! It's not as easy as pie to chose where to stay without letting the rest of the family down, and yet it seems so hard to compromise with each and everyone, but I'm sure things will sort out someway or another within a pair of days. Both options will be jam-packed with lots of delicious food, festive environments and quality time to be spent together! More than ever this year I wish I had a home for myself and was able to invite each and everyone at my place, and not only because I want to buy every Christmas themed tablecloth my eyes are able to spot, I swear! Hopefully next year...
I'll make sure to snap my Christmas away and share on Instagram and then over here as much as I can, but I'd also love to know what you got on plan for your Christmas day and how you're spending this last week before Christmas this year! Also, if the festive spirit hasn't hit you yet, I have a Christmas posts roundup board here and a little Pinterest update you might want to check out down below...
1 :: a handful of Christmas inspiration ;
2 :: festive baking and gingerbread cookies recipe ;
3 :: make your own Holiday wreath ;
4 :: give a little back + beautiful decorations .
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